He has given me the guidance, the truth, and the spirit of courage. Because of Him I know I am of great worth. Because of Him I know I have an eternal life to live. Because of Him I have been able to create wholesome and enduring and ever-blooming relationships.
Yesterday I was watching the live-action Cinderella starring Lily James. I love her line: "Kindness is free. Love is free." And I would add, laughter is free; friendship is free; dancing is free; humor is free; devotion is free, Forgiveness, mercy, time, attention, imagination, optimism, patience, prayer--these are free. God says, "Freely you have received, freely give." Jesus offers us free resurrection. And free opportunity to change and become. Everything that has true staying power is the milk and honey that Jesus invites us to enjoy "without money and without price."
I am grateful this day for the eternal riches of truth, family, and opportunity
to grow. Today in prayer I felt the holy spirit listening to my hopes and
questions and I felt comforted and refreshed by that warming presence. Earlier
this week I received answers to prayers. So I'm grateful for a personal,
approachable God who is involved with the very braiding and weaving of the
fabric of every life. Because of him, we are all, infinitely, incandescently,